Tuesday, October 20, 2009

South Portland High School Marching Band

Sorry for the delay, but here are the photos I took at the Biddeford show a few weeks ago.

If you yank any and use them on facebook PLEASE link back to this blog. Thanks! :)

Lately in my photographs I've been trying to use the foreground more to add interest, information or a nice frame to the subject.

I'm also working on not cropping out hands or feet, which is difficult when the subject is moving around and you can't direct, but I've found it's not impossible as long as I stay aware of the edges of my frame.

My professor has hounded us a lot about not getting stuck at eye level taking photos, so this is my effort to tilt my camera more ;)

I got a few crowd shots, but to be honest - the crowd sucked! There's even a photo from the last entry with a trumpet player in the actual stands playing right into people's faces and they still look super serious about the whole thing.


My plan for the next blog is to show some new color work and a few things I've learned about nature photography. Comments are always welcome! :)

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